On this page, I’m going to show you
something you haven’t tried yet
(that actually works)
I’m like you.
I’ve suffered through excruciating low back spasms, flare ups and episodes, off and on for years.
I’ve been stuck in bed, or on the couch for days.
I’ve had to miss work for extended periods.
I’ve had awful thoughts running through my head like:
- “Maybe there’s something really wrong with my back!”
- “This seems to be happening more and more - is this getting worse? Where is this heading? Will I be permanently immobilized or disabled?”
- “Will I have to suffer with this pain, or even worse pain, forever? Why can’t I make this go away!?!”
- “Do people think I’m faking this, or just being a wimp, so I can get sympathy, or stay home from work?”
- “I am so sick of this pain - I cannot take it anymore!”
Nothing worked for me...
I’ve gotten some reasonable recommendations from doctors and other health professionals…
...and I’ve gotten some ridiculous recommendations. (One orthopedist actually told me that I should figure out how to get washboard, 6-pack abs! Yes, that was his solution to my low back pain.)
So, I’ve tried just about everything to fix my low back pain, including:
- Chiropractic adjustments
- Physical therapy
- NSAIDs, muscles relaxants, pain killers
- Epidural steroid injections
- Heat
- Ice
- Bed rest
- Mental imaging and emotional healing
- Acupuncture
None of it worked for me - at least not more than temporarily. The pain, spasms, and flare ups always came back.
Has any of it worked for you?
(Medical) Nerd Alert!
If you know me even a little bit by now, you know I’ll admit to being a HUGE MEDICAL RESEARCH NERD!
After nothing worked to help me fix my low back pain, I hit the books. I set out to find the answer to my lower back pain myself, using scientific research and medical studies. I pored through hundreds of papers, studies and medical journals.
What I found was interesting and unexpected, and it led me to a real solution to low back pain!
What REALLY causes low back pain
(and what actually fixes it)
Here’s what I discovered:
Low back pain is rarely caused by injury or weakness in the low back!
Most of us don’t move important areas of our bodies enough on a day-to-day basis, like our hips, hamstrings, joints, back and shoulders.
When we don’t move these enough, they become weak and unable to handle the movements they’re designed to handle.
So, for example, when we pick up a heavy box, or we do a long jog, or pick up our kids the wrong way… these muscles and joints that are supposed to help us with these movements, can’t do their job.
When this happens, your body has to make instant adjustments to compensate for this inadequacy.
So what does it do?
In a lot of these cases, it asks your lower back to “chip in” and help out.
But, the problem is… your lower back was not designed to be the primary support system for these types of “big” body movements, and it can’t handle them… it tightens up the muscles around the low back and hips to protect you and prevent any further damage from occurring…
...and this is what low back pain flare ups, spasms and episodes really are.
Here’s the secret to a PAIN-FREE low back…
If you regularly move and strengthen the areas that surround and support your low back (e.g. hip, hamstrings, joints, mid-back, shoulders), two things will happen:
- Your current low back flare up or spasm will go away FAST, because the muscles in your low back and surrounding areas will relax and release, allowing you to move freely again, without pain
- Your low back won’t have to carry the load of “big” body movements on its own anymore, because these other areas will be better supporting it. This means no more flare ups, spasms, or episodes in the future either!
And, here’s the really great news:
I designed a simple exercise program that can help you do all of this... in just 11 minutes a day!
And, it’s so easy and gentle that virtually anyone can do it!
And, you can get the entire program for just $37...
Give Me Just $37 And 11 Minutes A Day And I Will END Your Low Back Pain, Or You Get Your Money Back
I’d like to invite you try my “Low Back Pain Solved!” program.
I am so confident that this program can REDUCE AND ELIMINATE YOUR LOW BACK PAIN…
...that I will give you your money back if that doesn’t happen!
If you aren’t totally ecstatic about the results you have, just email my team at, or call us at 1-888-291-2430 (toll free in the USA and Canada), or send SMS to 1-888-229-4992 anytime within 60 days, and we will send you your money back and you can keep the course for free, as my thanks for giving it a try!
Imagine your life after using the “Low Back Pain Solved!” program…
- Your low back pain is ENTIRELY gone… it’s a thing of the past
- No more bed rest, or lying on the couch for days
- You’re back to work, feeling reinvigorated, and motivated
- No more worrying about your back
- You’re back to a pain-free life, where you can be active and happy again
- You’re sleeping like a baby at night
- You’re playing with your kids, running in the park, lifting weights and working out… all without a care or worry
- You feel better emotionally too - you feel clear, light, at ease, enjoying the present moment
- Other areas of your life have started looking better and seeming a little easier too - like your work, your relationships, even your finances!
It has already happened for many of my clients and students.
And it can happen to you…
...WITHOUT expensive surgeries…
...WITHOUT time-consuming physical therapy appointments…
...WITHOUT having to take an endless combination of pain pills and muscle relaxants…
...WITHOUT invasive procedures and pain treatments…
I’m going to help you get there with...
A Simple, Step-By-Step System Of Gentle Movements and Easy Exercises - That Virtually Anyone Can Do - Even If You Have
Severe Low Back Pain
Why does this system work so well to reduce and eliminate low back pain?
Because it’s comprehensive and easy.
It’s comprehensive…
...because it includes 8 different approaches to healing and strengthening your low back and all the surrounding areas that affect it - no stone is left unturned! Because we attack the problem from so many different angles, and with so many different approaches, your low back pain has nowhere to hide, and can’t survive!
It’s easy…
...because I’ve arranged the 8 different approaches into one super-simple routine that only requires 11 minutes of your time every day. A HUGE reason people don’t get results from systems like this one is that they’re too complex, too time-consuming, and too difficult to do. Because my system is so easy, and takes so little time, you’ll find yourself actually WANTING to do it everyday, and LOOKING FORWARD TO DOING IT. And because you do it everyday, you’ll actually get the results you want! (And don’t worry - just because this is easy to do and takes only 11 minutes a day, doesn’t mean it doesn’t work - it does work! This system has already worked for many of my clients and students. And as you’ll see below, I’m offering an insane money-back guarantee with this program, precisely because I know this system works!)
Here’s a quick look at the 8 different approaches you’ll have at your disposal in the “Low Back Pain Solved!”:
(Don’t forget, while this list of 8 approaches may look long, that’s a good thing - that’s what makes this program so effective. Don’t be overwhelmed by this list, because I’ve also made it super easy for you to do this program, and it only requires a total of 11 minutes of your time each day!)

(1) Muscle Relaxation
First, we do some very basic muscle relaxation, so we can start reducing your pain as quickly as possible. These gentle positions and movements will naturally relax the muscles in the low back and surrounding areas, which will release your spasms, tightness and cramps, which will decrease your pain quickly!

(2) Self-Massage
Self-massage is a great way to quickly reduce the pain in your low back. It also decreases stress, tightness and tension in your hips and mid-back, which stimulates repair, healing and strengthening - so it’s very important to do regular self-massage - and it feels good too! In the program, I’m going to teach you many different self-massage techniques, most of which you can do in minutes with just your hand or regular household items.

(3) Dynamic Stretching
In this component, we’ll use some light dynamic stretching that will get us warmed up and ready for the upcoming exercises. These dynamic stretches also let our body know that it’s safe to move the low back again, without further injury. This is very important because in a low back flare up, your body and back are tightened and cramped because they’re protecting you against future damage and injury, but this tightening causes terrible pain and makes it very difficult to move at all.

(4) Core Stability
Here, we’ll work on activating and strengthening the abdominal area - specifically those deeper transverse muscles that sit right up against the spine. These super-easy movements can be done by virtually anyone, and they’re important because they help create more support and stabilization for the spine and low back.

(5) Mobility
In this component, we’ll work on increasing the mobility and range of motion of our mid-back. These movements are easy as pie! All you have to do is lie or sit, and then bend or rotate your body slightly. These movements condition the mid-back to “hold its own” more, so it doesn’t need to rely as much on the low back for additional help. This removes extra stress and strain from the low back, freeing it up to be relaxed and pain-free!

(6) Static Stretching
In this component, we’ll work primarily on the piriformis muscle - one of the rotators of the hip. We’ll do a few simple and easy stretches that help loosen this muscle (and a few others that rotate the hip), so there is less stress and strain on the low back.

(7) Hip Hinging
Here, we’ll do some easy and gentle movements that engage and activate the hip while we stay in good upright alignment, so our body gets used to using all of the available muscles to support full body movements, not just the low back. We’ll strengthen the hip and surrounding muscles, so your low back has a full support system running 24/7/365!

(8) Hip Flexor Stretching
In this component, we want to stretch out the hip flexors. We’ll use dynamic stretching in the beginning, focusing on the gluteal muscles, which will get us ready for the static stretches that we can hold for longer, which loosen, strengthen, and activate the hip flexors. If you’re worried that any of this sounds advanced or difficult - DON’T WORRY! All of these movements are very easy to do, even if you have severe low back pain.
I’ve heard enough!
I want to try the “Low Back Pain Solved!”
Exercise Program with NO RISK

- OR -

(Regular Retail Price = $57)
Special Discounted Price

Get INSTANT ONLINE ACCESS to the digital version of the Low Back Pain Solved program. You get lifetime access 24/7/365 to everything, on any computer or mobile device. AND we'll send the physical version of the program to your home - it includes 2 DVDs and a comprehensive printed manual.
*Plus shipping & handling of $12.95 for U.S. addresses and $26.95 for International.
You’re also going to learn all of these
in the “Low Back Pain Solved!” program:
- The 10 “red flags” you must look for anytime you have a low back pain flare up, spasm or episode >>>>> If ANY of these are present, YOU MUST SEE A DOCTOR AS SOON AS POSSIBLE!
- The ideal “alignment” our body wants to be in, and operates best in. Most of us spend most of our time “out of alignment”... but there’s an easy fix. In the program, I’ll show you what it is, so you can avoid future low back pain episodes.
- 6 SEEMINGLY SAFE things we all do every day that CAUSE 95% of low back pain flare ups, spasms, and episodes… (in the program, I’ll reveal these 6 things, show you how to avoid them, and show you what to do instead!)
- Why you’re more likely to get low back pain flare ups in the future if you’ve already had one… and what you can do to prevent this NOW!
- NEVER do these two things when you’re tired… Two DANGEROUS ways we all MOVE OUR BODIES DIFFERENTLY when we’re tired, that cause low back pain flare ups, spasms and episodes!
- Why I have you spend more time strengthening, lengthening and activating the muscles in and around your hips than your low back. This is crucial to understanding where low back pain REALLY comes from!
- Why you don’t have to worry at all about 99% of low back flare ups, spasms and episodes… they’re temporary and totally harmless. Most flare ups and spasms are just a defense mechanism your body uses to protect you and prevent further injury. (In the program, I’ll tell you more and show you why it’s very important to stay emotionally calm when you have a low back pain flare up.)
- Why just educating yourself on low back pain can radically reduce your recovery time! I’m going to give you all the facts about low back pain, so you can speed up your recovery time. You’ll learn counterintuitive facts about: activity, aggravating factors, expected time for improvements, and more.
- The 4 things I tell all my clients to do when they get a low back pain flare up, spasm, or episode... these things just work!
- The most important thing is that you do the exercises in this program - at any time of day. But there is an ideal time of day to do them, that can speed up your recovery by a large margin. In the program, I’ll tell you when that is and why it works better...
- How my unique 3-stage exercise program makes it so that virtually any person can use this program to fix their low back pain, FAST... even people who have severe low back pain… even people who have never exercised a day in their life! The 3 different stages also allow you to self-direct your progress so you get the fastest possible recovery.
- A simple trick to know exactly when to change exercises, or increase the difficulty level, so you get the fastest recovery time possible.
- Your mental state, when a flare up occurs, determines how fast you recover! In the program, I’ll tell you the most common, and most dangerous thoughts and beliefs that keep the pain hanging around longer! And I’ll teach you how to change your mindset about low back pain, so it goes away MUCH, MUCH FASTER!
- And more...
Here's everything you're going to get in the
"Low Back Pain Solved!":
SELF-ASSESSMENT PACKAGE: Video, Manual And Fill-In Sheet To Help You Assess Your Current Condition
It’s very important, before we get started, to assess your current condition. This is the first thing I do every time I see a new client with low back pain. We need to know how much pain you’re experiencing now, how serious your injury is, and what range of motion you can currently handle. Having this information will prevent further injury, and help you get the best possible results, in the shortest amount of time.
In this component, you get a 17-minute video and a brief manual that walk you through, step-by-step, exactly how to do your own self-assessment. Based on this information, you’ll know exactly where to start in the program.
You also get a convenient Fill-In Sheet that allows you to write each of your answers and assessment results down as you watch the assessment video and read the manual.
The “Low Back Pain Solved!” program contains a wealth of educational information on low back pain flare ups, spasms, and episodes, but I want you to come up to speed FAST on what you need to know, so you can get started FAST, and start reducing your pain FAST! So, I’ve distilled the educational content down to the most important summary points you need to get going right now.
In this Condition Summary, I give you a brief overview of low back pain flare ups, spasms, and episodes. I explain, in plain English, what causes them, what the common symptoms are, which activities make them worse, and some important tips for healing fast.
3-STAGE COMPREHENSIVE EXERCISE PROGRAM: Your personal training and coaching sessions with Rick Kaselj, MS
The “Low Back Pain Solved!” is a comprehensive program of gentle, yet highly-effective stretches and exercises designed to reduce and eliminate your low back pain quickly, so you can get back to your normal, active life.
Why does this exercise program have 3 stages?
First… don’t be scared or overwhelmed by the fact that this exercise program has 3 stages. If you follow the instructions and do just the Stage 1 exercise sequence, which will only take 11 minutes each day, you should feel a significant reduction of your low back pain within 7 days. I want to help you completely eliminate your low back pain, and I’m giving you a comprehensive 3-stage exercise program so you have the best possible chance of that actually happening.
The 3 stages progress from very easy (Stage 1) to more challenging (Stage 3). This 3-stage structure makes it so that virtually any person can complete this program, even those who are experiencing severe pain, and even those who have never exercised a day in their life. The 3 different stages also allow you to self-direct your progress so you can get the fastest possible recovery.
Why many injury and exercise video programs WON’T ACTUALLY HELP YOU...
My most important goal in creating this video exercise program was to make sure your experience with it is as close as possible to you having personal, face-to-face sessions with me.
This is because, in order to get the best possible results, in the shortest period of time, it is critical that you learn to do these exercises and movements the right way, in the right sequence, with the right amount of intensity, and for the right length of time.
Most video exercise programs leave these kinds of details out, and this leaves you unsure about exactly what to do, and exactly how to do it. This causes confusion, and might leave you discouraged, and you may decide not to continue with the program, which means you’ll definitely not get the results you want.
My goal was to make these videos as close as possible to real, face-to-face training and coaching sessions with me, so you get the results you want, as quickly as possible.
That’s why my team and I have worked hard to create a comprehensive package of videos, manuals, guides and tracking sheets for each of the 3 progressive stages in this program, so you can learn this system properly, ON YOUR OWN, IN THE COMFORT OF YOUR OWN HOME… you can do it consistently, until your back pain is healed for good.
For each of the 3 stages of this exercise program, you get:
- 1 Instructional Video
- 1 Follow-Along Video
- 1 Comprehensive Manual
- 1 Exercise Quick Reference Guide
- 1 Progress Tracking Sheet
Here’s what comes in each:
You get one Instructional Video for each of the 3 stages. These videos are your virtual personal training sessions with me - Rick Kaselj, MS. In these instructional videos, I will:
- SLOWLY DEMONSTRATE, STEP-BY-STEP, exactly how to do each exercise perfectly, so you can definitely get it right
- Show you common mistakes people make doing these exercises, so you also know what NOT to do
- Give you EVERYTHING you need - exactly how many repetitions and sets you should do, time and intensity, what you should feel as you do the exercises so you know you’re doing them right, and more.
You also get 3 Follow-Along Videos - one for each of the 3 stages. These videos are your personal coaching sessions with me.
These videos make doing this program SUPER EASY.
When you’re ready to do your exercise sequence for the day, just play the Follow-Along Video and do each of the stretches and exercises following right along with my exercise assistant, who does them all, on the video with you. While you do that, I’ll be counting out time and reps, and coaching you along the way.
You get 3 Comprehensive Manuals - one for each of the 3 stages in the program. These handy PDF guides include:
- All of the gentle, but highly-effective exercises, stretches and movements you’ll use in this program. Each is explained in detail, with precise step-by-step instructions.
- Start-position and end-position photos for every stretch and exercise
- Common mistakes and how to avoid them
- Tips, advice and instructions for everything else you need to know, like: number of repetitions, number of sets, how long each rep should take, exactly what you should feel as you do each stretch and exercise so you can be SURE you’re doing them correctly, and how to progress if the exercises become too easy.
As mentioned above, for each of the 3 stages in the “Low Back Pain Solved!” program, you get an instructional video, a follow-along video, and a comprehensive manual.
Once you get into the program and start learning the exercises, you may want a faster, more convenient way to access the exercises, rather than having to fast-forward through the videos, and leaf through the larger manuals every time. That’s exactly what these Exercise Quick Reference Guides are for.
You get an Exercise Quick Reference Guide for each of the 3 Stages in this program, so you’ll have a quick and easy way to find, learn, and do all of the exercises in each stage. In each Exercise Quick Reference Guide, you get a start and end photo for every stretch and exercise, a quick summary of the stretch or exercise, and instructions on how to do it correctly.
Peter Drucker said: “What gets measured, gets improved.” In my 25+ years as a Kinesiologist and pain and injury expert, I’ve seen time and again that the people who measure their progress while they do my programs typically get better and faster results than those who don’t.
It’s very important to measure your progress as you do this program. It will keep you on track. It will keep you motivated... which will keep you doing the exercises... which will actually get you the results you want. You simply cannot get the results if you don’t do the stretches and exercises!
You get a Progress Tracking Sheet for each of the 3 stages in this program. All you have to do is check off the exercises you do each day. It takes only a few seconds, but provides massive benefits!
VIP COACHING GROUP: FREE ACCESS To EFI’s Exclusive, Secret Facebook VIP Coaching Group
We are including another way for you to get direct access - for getting your questions answered, and also for inspiration, motivation and accountability. If you purchase the “Low Back Pain Solved!” program, you will get exclusive access to EFI’s private, secret Facebook group. In this group, you get the opportunity to ask your questions, about your specific situation, to me and my team of health and fitness experts, DIRECTLY. You also get to see the answers we give to other members of the EFI VIP coaching group - these can be surprisingly helpful even though you didn’t ask them. You also get the chance to meet new friends and become part of a supportive community. Most of the people in EFI’s VIP Coaching Group have told me, at one point or another, that they get incredible support, inspiration, motivation and accountability - not only from me and my team of experts, but also from the other members in our group. We seem to attract a very good bunch of people in this group, which we love!
LIFETIME UPDATES To The Low Back Pain Solved Program
We are always adding new material to the program in order to help you get better results. You will get FREE access to all updates for life!
How the “Low Back Pain Solved!” gives YOU all the control...
The “Low Back Pain Solved!” is a digital program - so you don’t have to go anywhere to be involved. And I chose to make this a downloadable VIDEO program so you would get these benefits:
- You can watch the videos at your own pace. As far as I know, you cannot pause, rewind or fast-forward an in-person training or therapy session... but, with video you can! With video, you have all the control - you can go as slowly or quickly as you like and review any key points as many times as you like.
- The videos work on any computer, laptop, tablet, smartphone, iPhone or iPad. You can download them onto any of your devices, or watch them on the Internet, and they will be available to you forever.
- You can watch the videos on your schedule, whenever it’s convenient for you. No scheduled appointments to make, no time off from work - you can do it whenever YOU have time.
- You can learn and do the exercises from the convenience of your own home, or wherever you choose. No driving or flying to appointments, sessions or courses at someone else’s location.
- You save money. You won’t need expensive therapy appointments, training sessions, courses or seminars. These videos alone can help you decrease and eliminate your low back pain, and they're very affordable!
How much does it cost to get the
“Low Back Pain Solved!”?
I’ve sold this program in the past for $57, but without all the direct access to me, and all the extra goodies.
And there are other programs out there that provide more access, like I do here, but they cost $2,000, even $3,000!
You’re not going to pay anything close to that, because I want this program to be available to as many people with low back pain as possible.
It’s a shame for anyone with low back pain to go on suffering with it, when my program can help. I know it sounds cheesy, but I would give this program away for free if I could.
Unfortunately, I can’t. The reality is - a lot of people put a lot of hard work into producing this program, and those good people need to get paid for their work…
...but you still aren’t going to pay anything close to $3,000, or $2,000.
You won’t even pay the $57 I charged for my “Low Back Pain Solved!” product (that didn’t even come with direct access to me and lots of extra resources and extras that you’re getting with the “Low Back Pain Solved!” program).
Today, you’re only going to pay a one-time fee of $37.

- OR -

(Regular Retail Price = $57)
Special Discounted Price

Get INSTANT ONLINE ACCESS to the digital version of the Low Back Pain Solved program. You get lifetime access 24/7/365 to everything, on any computer or mobile device. AND we'll send the physical version of the program to your home - it includes 2 DVDs and a comprehensive printed manual.
*Plus shipping & handling of $12.95 for U.S. addresses and $26.95 for International.
When you get the “Low Back Pain Solved” Program, you are covered by a 60-Day, Money-Back Guarantee
Yep - you read that right.
If you don’t get the results you want from the “Low Back Pain Solved!”, you will get your money back.
And you have 60 days from your date of purchase to decide.
Why on earth would I do this?
- To show you how confident I am in this program. I’ve invested years of my life and thousands of dollars into developing these scientifically-tested exercises, movements, and sequences that you won’t find anywhere else.
- I want you to know that you have no risk, so you can join this program with peace of mind. I want you to be focused on learning and doing the easy, gentle movements and stretches in this program so you can be free of your pain. I don’t want you to have to worry about whether it’s going to work, or whether you’re going to lose out, or anything like that. With my 60-day, money-back guarantee, you can put your mind at ease and just focus on doing the program and getting better.
Here’s how it works:
If for any reason you aren’t completely thrilled with the results you got with the “Low Back Pain Solved!” program, just send my team an email, or call them, and we’ll promptly return your money.
Here is our email:
Here is our phone number: (888) 291-2430 (toll free in the USA and Canada)
Here is our SMS number: (888) 229-4992
Who created the “Low Back Pain Solved!”?
Hi, my name is Rick Kaselj and I’d like to tell you a little bit about me, so you can feel comfortable that the program you’re considering comes from a credible authority, with expert-level training and experience.
Here are a few relevant facts about me:
- I’ve been a Kinesiologist and pain and injury specialist since 1994 (25+ years).
- I spent 6 years at university studying Kinesiology, Corrective Exercise and Therapeutic Exercise, and got my Master’s Degree in Exercise Science.
- I have 25+ years of hands-on experience, working directly with clients and teaching my techniques and programs to fitness professionals, Kinesiologists, and healthcare providers.
- I have conducted thousands of personal training sessions.
- I have reviewed and carefully scrutinized hundreds of scientific and medical research papers and studies.
- I’m also an author and speaker, and I’ve given over 260 presentations to more than 5,000 fitness professionals across Canada and USA.
- These are some of the major publications my work has been featured in:

I’m all about finding what works… and unfortunately, a lot of the advice out there, even from trained professionals and reputable sources… does not work!
Some of the most effective methods I’ve discovered for eliminating pain and healing injuries are counterintuitive - they required diligent research, testing, and creativity to discover.
People get the best results when they follow a program that’s been properly designed. The best programs include only the exercises that are necessary, instructions on how to perform them properly, the proper order in which to perform them, and instructions on what the right amount of rest is, and when to take it. Not doing all the steps, or performing them in the wrong order, or taking too little rest, or too much, can throw you off course, and sometimes even make things worse.
I’ve learned that understanding the CAUSE of injuries and painful conditions can help heal and prevent them. For example, most people don’t realize that they’re doing certain things every day that put stress and tension on certain muscles, tendons, tissues and joints, and over time, these create chronic pain and injury. Simply becoming aware, and then making tiny adjustments, can actually result in a much higher quality of life for many people.

Here’s everything you get for $57 $37:
SELF-ASSESSMENT PACKAGEVideo, Manual and Fill-In Sheet to help you assess your current condition |
($47 value) |
CONDITION SUMMARYBrief overview of low back pain, what causes it, common symptoms, activities that make it worse, and important tips for healing it fast |
($27 value) |
COMPREHENSIVE EXERCISE PROGRAM - STAGE 1Your personal training and coaching sessions with Rick Kaselj, MS. Includes:
($67 value) |
COMPREHENSIVE EXERCISE PROGRAM - STAGE 2Your personal training and coaching sessions with Rick Kaselj, MS. Includes:
($67 value) |
COMPREHENSIVE EXERCISE PROGRAM - STAGE 3Your personal training and coaching sessions with Rick Kaselj, MS. Includes:
($67 value) |
FREE LIFETIME MEMBERSHIP IN EFI's VIP COACHING GROUPGet your questions answered and get valuable support, accountability and inspiration in the Exercises For Injuries VIP Coaching Group. |
($57 value) |
LIFETIME UPDATESAnytime this program is updated, you will receive a free copy of the new version. |
($37 value) |
> > > TOTAL VALUE OF ALL COMPONENTS (7 videos, 12 PDF files) |
$369.00 |
> > > YOUR PRICE |
$37.00 |
(*REMEMBER... don’t be scared or overwhelmed by the fact that this exercise program has 3 stages. If you follow the instructions and do just the Stage 1 stretching sequence, which will only take 11 minutes each day, you should feel a significant reduction of your low back pain within 7 days. I want to help you completely eliminate your low back pain, and I’m giving you a comprehensive 3-stage exercise program so you have the best possible chance of that actually happening.)
What will your life be like
after the “Low Back Pain Solved!” program?

If you do nothing different, you’ll probably still have miserable low back pain.
If you decide to get my “Low Back Pain Solved!”... I am 99% sure that you will see some VERY DIFFERENT results, and you will be feeling A LOT BETTER.
Why 99%?
Because nothing works for everyone. That’s just reality.
BUT... ask yourself this question:
Is it worth $37 (that you’ll get back if you don’t get the results you want)...
...and just 11 minutes a day… see if my program could ELIMINATE YOUR LOW BACK PAIN FOREVER?
Like I said, nothing works for EVERYONE…
But, what if this DOES work for YOU?
What if you can ACTUALLY be free of all your pain?
Isn’t it worth it to at least find out?

- OR -

(Regular Retail Price = $57)
Special Discounted Price

Get INSTANT ONLINE ACCESS to the digital version of the Low Back Pain Solved program. You get lifetime access 24/7/365 to everything, on any computer or mobile device. AND we'll send the physical version of the program to your home - it includes 2 DVDs and a comprehensive printed manual.
*Plus shipping & handling of $12.95 for U.S. addresses and $26.95 for International.
FACT: Most people who buy exercise programs
like this never actually do them
on a consistent basis!
Here’s why this program is going to be different,
and why you actually will do it on a consistent basis...
Why don’t we do exercise programs consistently?
Let’s look at some of the most common reasons:
- “I don’t want to join a gym.” “I don’t want to buy a bunch of weights or equipment for my house that will only end up taking up space.”
No problem. You don’t have to join a gym, or buy any equipment to do the “Low Back Pain Solved!”. All you need is your body and a few household items you can buy at any hardware store, or on
- “I don’t have time to exercise.”
No problem. I designed this program so you could complete it in 11 minutes (or less) every day. This, combined with the fact that you don’t need a gym or any equipment, might make this the most convenient exercise program ever!
- “I don’t want to get injured doing a workout.”
Perfect. This program is low-impact, so it’s safe for just about everyone, and it’s intentionally gradual, meaning you start out very slowly, and increase intensity and duration gradually, so there is very little chance of injury.
- “I don’t want to do crazy intense workouts that are going to totally exhaust me every day.”
Most of my clients don’t want that either, which is why the duration and intensity of this program (which you can easily adjust if you choose to) are designed not to exhaust you, but gently stretch, lengthen and relax the muscles around your low back and hips. You won’t even break a sweat doing this program!
- “I’ve had trainers that made me do too much, too fast and I just got overwhelmed and discouraged.”
I hear this all the time. This program works with a gradual progress approach. We start you out very slowly, and increase intensity and duration gradually, so you never feel overwhelmed or too far outside your comfort zone. And, if things are too easy and too slow for you at any point, we also show you how you can adjust and increase the progress yourself.
Who is the “Low Back Pain Solved!” for?
And who is it NOT for?
You can do this program if you’re 26, 36, 46, 56, 66, 76 or older.
You can do this program if you’ve never exercised a day in your life.
You can do this program if you have mild pain or severe pain.
You can do this program if you’re out of shape.
You can do this program if your body doesn’t feel flexible.
You can do this program if you have a very busy schedule - the whole routine takes only 11 minutes (or less) each day.
You can do this program if you have irregular working hours or an unusual job - these simple and easy stretches can be done before work, after work, even at work.
You can do this program if you hate working out and exercising, because these easy, gentle stretches aren’t really even a workout. You’ll never even break a sweat doing this program.
The only person this program is NOT for, is someone looking for an instant fix or 5-minute miracle cure. There is no such thing as an instant fix or 5-minute miracle cure for low back pain. This program takes some work on your part and takes some time to get the results you want, but the good news is: it doesn’t take very long.
Frequently asked questions...
(Click each question to see its answer.)
Do I have to go anywhere special to be part of the “Low Back Pain Solved!” Program?
No – this is a digital program which means you can do it from the comfort of your own home. Click here to get the “Low Back Pain Solved!” program.
Do I need a gym membership or any special equipment?
No, you do not need a gym membership. You only need your body, a floor, and an inexpensive item like the Pain Ball or Tennis Ball that you can easily purchase online or at a sporting goods store. This will be covered in the program so you know exactly how to use it.
I was surfing around the Internet and found a bunch of low back exercises. Will these help?
You can definitely find low back exercises online, for free. But, you won’t find a complete program designed to apply 8 different approaches to eradicating low back pain, specifically. You won’t find a whole program that has been carefully crafted, based on decades of research and real-world testing, that includes ONLY the necessary exercises, with instructions on how to do them in just the right sequence, with the right number of reps and sets, so that you will reach your ultimate goal, which is to be pain-free in your low back, and free of future low back pain flare ups, spasms, and episodes. That’s exactly what the “Low Back Pain Solved!” program is, and does!
Is this program just more exercises that I have to do?
Yes, and no. Most fitness and health professionals take a shotgun approach to exercises for injuries. They keep giving you more and more exercises, hoping they will help. I don’t do that. My program only includes the exercises you need. I also recommend you do them in a specific sequence and I give you precise instructions on how many repetitions and sets you need to do. My program has been carefully designed, based on years of research and real-world testing, and it is a SYSTEM that has already worked for other people. There will be no guesswork or confusion on your part – everything is laid out and easy for you to follow. My best advice is for you to stop all of the other exercises you are doing, and focus only on the “Low Back Pain Solved!”.
How long does it take each day to do the exercises?
Each exercise session in this program is designed to take around 11 minutes to complete. It may take a little longer in the beginning as you’re learning the stretches and movements, but you’ll have it down to 11 or 12 minutes in no time because these movements and sequences are very easy to learn. The power of this program is not in the actual exercises or stretches you do, but in WHICH ones you do (and which you don’t), the ORDER in which you do them, and HOW you do them… all of which I demonstrate step-by-step in careful detail in the program.
How long until I see results?
Although everyone is different and will experience different results, many people experience significant pain reduction within 7 days, and some within only a few days!
Who is this program suitable for?
This program is designed for anyone with low back pain, who wants to eliminate it!
Can I use the “Low Back Pain Solved!” program if I’ve had an injury or surgery?
The answer to this is very individual. It depends on what type of injury or surgery you’ve had and how you’ve recovered from them. It is best to ask your surgeon or doctor to see if this program is suitable for you.
Are the stretches and movements difficult to perform?
Not at all. These are simple and natural movements that you will easily “get” after one or two viewings of the videos. And each stretch, movement and exercise is very gentle.

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(Regular Retail Price = $57)
Special Discounted Price

Get INSTANT ONLINE ACCESS to the digital version of the Low Back Pain Solved program. You get lifetime access 24/7/365 to everything, on any computer or mobile device. AND we'll send the physical version of the program to your home - it includes 2 DVDs and a comprehensive printed manual.
*Plus shipping & handling of $12.95 for U.S. addresses and $26.95 for International.
Don’t forget… you’re getting:

SELF-ASSESSMENT PACKAGE: Video, Manual PDF, And Fill-In Sheet To Help You Assess Your Current Condition

CONDITION SUMMARY: A brief overview of low back pain, what causes it, common symptoms, activities that make it worse, and important tips for healing it fast.

Your personal training and coaching sessions with Rick Kaselj, MS. Includes:
- STAGE 1 Instructional Video
- STAGE 1 Follow-Along Video
- STAGE 1 Comprehensive Manual
- STAGE 1 Exercise Quick Reference Guide
- STAGE 1 Progress Tracking Sheet

Your personal training and coaching sessions with Rick Kaselj, MS. Includes:
- STAGE 2 Instructional Video
- STAGE 2 Follow-Along Video
- STAGE 2 Comprehensive Manual
- STAGE 2 Exercise Quick Reference Guide
- STAGE 2 Progress Tracking Sheet

Your personal training and coaching sessions with Rick Kaselj, MS. Includes:
- STAGE 3 Instructional Video
- STAGE 3 Follow-Along Video
- STAGE 3 Comprehensive Manual
- STAGE 3 Exercise Quick Reference Guide
- STAGE 3 Progress Tracking Sheet

VIP COACHING GROUP: FREE ACCESS To Rick’s Exclusive, Secret Facebook VIP Coaching Group

LIFETIME UPDATES To The Low Back Pain Solved Program

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(Regular Retail Price = $57)
Special Discounted Price

Get INSTANT ONLINE ACCESS to the digital version of the Low Back Pain Solved program. You get lifetime access 24/7/365 to everything, on any computer or mobile device. AND we'll send the physical version of the program to your home - it includes 2 DVDs and a comprehensive printed manual.
*Plus shipping & handling of $12.95 for U.S. addresses and $26.95 for International.